BDFis an association created with the intention of recovering the goal of building a metropolitan Barcelona. InBDFWe note that Barcelona is losing opportunities in the competitive global environment that is building GLOBAL CITIES around the different metropolitan facts existing in the world.
BDFseeks for Barcelona to become part of the Global Cities network without leaving the blind forces of the global economy; but neither to anti-system prejudices, the determination of its future. Because the difference between a future as a megalopolis or another as a Global City is the same that separates Lagos from Singapore, a difference that is determined by multiple factors; but among which the quality of governance stands out.
The metropolitan essence of the truly existing Barcelona is now present in the discourse of all the political and social agents; but that does not necessarily mean that they consider the metropolitan fact as the central axis of their proposals; for many it is just a nice speech; forBDFPrioritizing a metropolitan approach is the condition for building a Barcelona that is open to the world, inclusive, supportive, capable of creating wealth and employment for all and guaranteeing civility and coexistence.
BDFaims to sensitize political agents, elected officials and institutions so that it is possible to take advantage of the synergies generated around a GLOBAL CITY, maximizing the efficiency of investments with the consequent increase in attracting external capital, and the corollaries of a greater capacity to attract innovation, technology and knowledge, which allows powerful access to the new axes of the global economy.
BDFConsequently, it intends to make a small contribution, in the area of reflection and thought, to make it easier for this Metropolitan Barcelona to be a locomotive for Catalonia, Spain and Europe. A reference among the metropolises.
Objectives and actions of BDF
Our identity document is the work "A project for Metropolitan Barcelona" presented in February 2019 in which the strengths and weaknesses of the project are analyzed and in which we conclude by affirming the need to improve metropolitan governance and move towards construction of a new political subject based on the metropolitan social economic reality. We arrive at this conclusion from the consideration of the nonsense of living anchored in the melancholy of a past that could have been and was not, or facing whats straightof the present sick of the past with the result of making impossible the construction of the future that we want and that we believe we deserve.
The work has just begun and we are aware that it will not be short or easy; thusBDFIts future action plans are to continue developing documents that model and outline the institutional and strategic elements necessary to consolidate a project for Barcelona as a GLOBAL CITY. We are currently working on Governance and the water cycle, which we hope to be able to share with all interested political forces, institutions, entities and associations shortly.

Join forces to multiply efficiency
BDFis aware of the enormous richness and diversity of civil society in Metropolitan Barcelona and precisely for this reason sees it necessary to build a network of contacts, which allows for the coordination of the different initiatives that operate in this field. The option of coming together in a lobby that you share withBDFThe objective of promoting BARCELONA GLOBAL would be an important boost to this civil society initiative and we offer to collaborate with all those who can share this objective.
We carry out our work with the vocation to understand and help, that is, with the will to learn and share.