Does it make sense to deconstruct Barcelona?
Does it make sense to deconstruct Barcelona? February 15 – 6:30 p.m. – Pati Llimona Josep Miro Ardevol …

Does it make sense to deconstruct Barcelona? February 15 – 6:30 p.m. – Pati Llimona Josep Miro Ardevol …
Here we link the videos of the conference last April 27
Political parties participate in the elections, but it is decisive that citizens, beyond…
The isotropic mesh of Pla Cerdà, by creating privileged streets without traffic and with an established green and downloading all the pollution and circulation to the remaining streets
Ada Colau must tell us if it is true or not that the overall cost of the Eixample supervilla is above 700 million euros
To understand what Barcelona needs, it is essential to understand why some cities grow and prosper while others stagnate.
Does it make sense to deconstruct Barcelona?
Municipal elections in Barcelona. The lack of a real alternative The city of Barcelona has never...
A rebirth for Pla Cerdà. 10 points The recently started superblock project of…
This summer of 2022, a transformation has begun that, if completed, will produce trauma...